Christmas invades our local synagogue :(
For better and/or worse, what's left of our chapel is now sometimes used as a classroom and is, therefore, furnished with school desk-chairs. So I put my siddur down on the desk in front of me and davvened/prayed the entire Amidah prayer with my fingers in my ears. I told our Sunday morning davvening crew that I'll be davvening Shacharit at home on Sundays until after Christmas.
Given the tendency of the past few years of Christmas music coming on before Halloween, I'm hard pressed to express ANY sympathy toward people complaining about Christmas music in December.
I'm not complaining about Christmas music--that comes with the Diaspora turf. I'm complaining about Christmas music *in my own synagogue.* Shouldn't our Jewish institutions be the one place that we galutniks (Diapora-dwellers) *don't* have to shut up and put up?
Don't you just hate December?
It certainly has it's drawbacks. :(
Your shul rents space to goyim?? OMG! Other than to clean up after a simcha they have no place there.
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